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Forced publisher attribution for multi-channel campaigns

Facebook and RedTrack

Estimated reading: 7 minutes

What’s Facebook/Instagram?

Both Facebook and Instagram have the same ad managing interface (Facebook Ads Manager), so this article describes the flow for both platforms.

Redirect URLs are normally forbidden on Facebook.
There are limited cases when Facebook allows you to use the redirect link (e.g. RedTrack campaign tracking URL) but we as a service provider do not recommend it and cannot guarantee safety.
For all of your Facebook campaigns, no-redirect tracking with a custom tracking domain should be used.
Traffic filtering functionality is limited for Facebook and can be used for the Offer level only (for the cases when you run the traffic to the landing page first). For more details go to the Traffic filtering guide. 

Facebook integration allows you to:

  • pass all the conversion data back to Facebook (even the extra conversions), attach it to the campaigns (not only to the events manager), and help Facebook to optimize your traffic for even better traffic matching;
  • pause non-converting creatives and campaigns directly on the Facebook side, no manual work;
  • auto update your cost data.
Due to Facebook restrictions, conversion data can be delivered to your Facebook campaigns within 24 hours.


Important before you start

RedTrack side

Facebook side