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20+ ad network including FB, Google Ads, TT, Taboola etc.

Reporting: formulas

Column title Description of the column value Unit/Currency Calculation formula
Profit Profit $ total revenue-cost
Profit {custom conversion type} Displays profit for {custom conversion type} $ revenue convtype1-20 - cost convtype1-20
CPC Cost per click $ cost/clicks
CPT Cost per Transaction $ cost/transactions
TR Transaction Rate (clicks to transactions) % (transactions/clicks)*100
EPC Earning per click $ total revenue/clicks
EPlpC Earning per Landing page click $ total revenue/lp clicks
EPC ROI Earning per click/Return on investment % (EPC/CPC)*100 or ((total revenue/clicks)/(cost/clicks))*100
EPUC Earning per Unique Click $ total revenue/unique clicks
EPV Earnings per view (Total Revenue/LP views) $ total revenue/lp views
CTR Click-through rate % (clicks/impressions)*100
LP CTR LP Clicks to LP views ratio % (lp clicks/lp views)*100
LP Click CTR Clicks to LP clicks Ratio % (lp clicks/clicks)*100
Pre-LP Click CTR Click to Pre-LP click ratio % (pre lp clicks/clicks)*100
ROAS Return on ad spend $ total revenue/cost
ROAS, % Return on ad spend % (total revenue/cost)*100
ROAS {default conversion type} Displays ROAS for {default type} $ Revenue default conversions/cost default conversions
ROAS, % {default conversion type} Displays ROAS,% for {default type} % (Revenue default conversions/cost default conversions)*100
ROAS {custom conversion type} Displays ROAS for {custom type} $ Revenue convtype1-20 / cost convtype1-20
ROAS, % {custom conversion type} Displays ROAS,% for {customtype} % (total Revenue convtype1-20 / total cost convtype1-20) *100
Total ROI Return on Investment % (Profit/cost)*100
ROI {default conversion type} Displays ROI for (default conversion type) % (revenue/cost)*100
ROI {custom conversion type} Displays ROI for {custom conversion type} % (revenue convtype1-20 /cost)*100
Total AOV Average order value $ total revenue/all conversions
AOV {default conversion type} Average revenue for (default conversion type) $ revenue default type/conversions default type
AOV {custom conversion type} Average revenue for {custom conversion type} $ revenue convtype1-20/convtype1-20
Total CPA Cost per Action $ cost/all conversions
CPA {default conversion type} Cost per action $ cost/conversions default type
CPA {custom conversion type} Custom cost per acquisition $ cost/convtype1-20
All conversions CR Conversion rate across all conversions % (all conversions/clicks)*100
LP Clicks CR Conversions path to LP clicks ratio % (all conversions/lp clicks)*100
Pre-LP Clicks CR Conversions path to LP clicks ratio % (all conversions/pre lp clicks)*100
LP Views CR Conversions path to LP Views ratio % (all conversions/lp views)*100
Pre-LP ViewsCR Conversions path to LP Views ratio % (all conversions/pre lp views)*100
CR {default conversion type} Default conversion rate % (conversions default type/clicks)*100
CR {custom conversion type} Custom conversion rate % (convtype1-20 /clicks)*100
AR Approved rate(approved to all conversions) % (approved/all conversions)*100
DR Declined rate (pending to all conversions) % (declined/all conversions)*100
OR Other rate (pending to all conversions) % (other/all conversions)*100
PR Pending rate (pending to all conversions) % (pending/all conversions)*100
Attribution Rate self-explanatory % (attribution/clicks)*100
Bad device Rate self-explanatory % (bad device/clicks)*100
Blacklist Rate self-explanatory % (blacklist/clicks)*100
Datacenter Rate self-explanatory % (datacenter/clicks)*100
OK Rate self-explanatory % (ok/clicks)*100