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Smarlinks / Auto-optimisation

LetsCPA and RedTrack

LetsCPA (aka Outbidco) is a sweepstake-focused affiliate network promoting both SOI and CC Submit offers worldwide. 

To integrate this network with RedTrack act as follows:

1. Add LetsCPA template to RedTrack.

Go to Offer Sources -> New > find LetsCPA -> Add the template:

2. The postback URL for LetsCPA will be as follows:

You may add additional macros to the POSTBACK link. Here’s the list of Postback macros supported by LetsCPA:

Parameter Description
{uagent} UserAgent of user browser
{ip} User IP-address
{sub1} Subaccount 1
{sub2} Subaccount 2
{sub3} Subaccount 3
{sub4} Subaccount 4
{sub5} Subaccount 5
{sub6} Subaccount 6
{sub7} Subaccount 7
{sub8} Subaccount 8
{unid} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{ref_id} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{os_id} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{user_id} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{ext1} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{ext2} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{ext3} Additional parameter for tracking URL
{transactionid} Conversion identificator of advertiser
{date} Date and time of conversion committing in format Y-m-d H:i:s
{click_date} Date and time of click committing in format Y-m-d H:i:s
{offerid} Offer identificator in the System
{offer_name} Offer title in the System
{status} Conversion status, available values:

1 – action “Allowed” (will be paid later by advertiser)

2 – action “In process” (decision is not taken yet, you need request the status later)

3 – action “Declined” (will not be paid later by advertiser)

5 – action is «Approved» and put on Hold (will be paid by advertiser at a certain amount of time – the period of hold is taken from the offer settings).

{sum} Conversion payout
{city} City
{geo} Country
{goal} Goal
{currency} Currency
{comment} Comment
{time} Time of click committing in format H:i:s
{date_only} Date of click committing in format Y-m-d
{rand} Randomly generated number
{referrer} Click referrer
{custom_field_1} Custom field 1
{custom_field_2} Custom field 2
{custom_field_3} Custom field 3
{custom_field_4} Custom field 4
{custom_field_5} Custom field 5
{custom_field_6} Custom field 6
{custom_field_7} Custom field 7
{custom_field1} Custom field 1
{custom_field2} Custom field 2
{custom_field3} Custom field 3
{custom_field4} Custom field 4
{custom_field5} Custom field 5
{custom_field6} Custom field 6
{custom_field7} Custom field 7
{os} OS Family
{time} Time of click committing in format H:i:s
{timestamp} unix timestamp of conversion creation

3. Copy the postback for further implementation on the LetsCPA side and Save the changes:

4. Set the postback URL in LetsCPA:

Log into your LetsCPA account. The Network allows you to either create a Global Postback URL that will apply to all Offers, or set up individual Postbacks upon creating an Offer. In our example, we will be adding a Global Postback.

  1. Go to your Profile settings:

  1. Find Global Postbacks section -> press Add Postback

Paste the Postback URL you have copied in Step 3 and click Save.

5. Obtain the LetsCPA offer:

  1. Navigate to the Offers tab and search for available Offers:

  1. Open the one you wish to promote.
  2.  Fill in click id macro. If you wish to use RedTrack, the correct parameter will be {clickid}. Offer link will be updated automatically. Copy it:

6. Add LetsCPA offer to RedTrack.

Open Offers -> New:

7. Fill in the info -> add LetsCPA offer link in the URL field -> add the tracking parameters “ref_id={clickid}” at the end of the offer URL -> Save the changes: