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StartApp and RedTrack

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

StartApp (aka Start) self-serve platform is a quick, easy, and budget-friendly way to instantly build and launch your mobile campaigns. You control aspects, like the audience, creatives, and budget.

To integrate StartApp with RedTrack act as follows:

1. Add StartApp template to RedTrack.

Go to the Traffic Sources -> New -> find StartApp -> Add -> Save the changes:

2. Set a campaign in RedTrack with StartApp as a traffic source.

Once you have everything ready, you can proceed with the campaign creation. After you save the campaign, a click URL (your tracking link) will be automatically generated:

3.  Set the tracking on the StartApp side.

Go to the advertiser dashboard -> Campaigns -> “Create Campaign” -> Insert the final Offer link (or a landing page) during Step 1, do not use the Campaign URL generated by RedTrack here.

Fill out the required fields on Steps 1-4 ->  upload your creatives on Step 5 -> choose the creative type and submit a name -> add your RedTrack Campaign Click URL here.

4. Setting up a postback URL in RedTrack.

Once you created a campaign in RedTrack, S2S postback URL for passing conversion info to StartApp will be automatically added to your settings: