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Smarlinks / Auto-optimisation

Dynamic Parameters/Tokens/UTMs

URL syntax

Uniform Resource Locator (URL or web address) refers to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it.

The general form of this syntax is as follows:

Elements of this syntax explained:
<protocol> Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which can be https (secured) or http (not secured)
<hostname> An Internet host. RedTrack.io provided the service domain something.rdtk.io for that purpose. Usually, it is changed to a custom tracking domain for your tracking links. In our example above it is help.redtrack.io.
<pathname> A resource location path. This is usually a full directory path. 
knowledgebase/kb/automation/traffic-source-integration-status-2/ in the example
<query> An optional query or other information to be passed to the server when the resource is accessed.
sub1=testvalue in the example

If there are several parameters, they need to be separated with the “&” symbol: sub1=testvalue&country={country}.
The parameters are not obligatory for the link to work and can be skipped if its usage is not required.
The <query> part should be obligatorily divided from the previous part of the URL with the “?” symbol – that means the main link part is ended, and additional parameters will be applied further.

RedTrack supported parameters/tokens

A dynamic parameter is something that is dynamically replaced with real value during the tracking process. A dynamic parameter is also known as a variable, token, macro, or variable.

General parameters

Traffic channel used parameters

Affiliate network/website/shop used parameters

Renaming/using UTMs

RedTrack offers you 20 additional parameters to pass the needed traffic channel data to RedTrack, from sub1 to sub20.
These parameters are called subs (sub1, sub2, sub3, etc.) by default but you can easily rename these parameters as you need to match your tracking needs (e.g. utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, adname, etc.). We call it aliases. 

To update the aliases for the target names, go to the Traffic channel → Additional parameters. If your parameter field is greyed and prevents you from renaming it, just remove the assigned role to this parameter → move over to the enabled parameter field and rename it as per your needs → assign the role back → save changes to the template:



Clickid is the core element of tracking. It is generated both on the traffic source and on the RedTrack side. This is a unique click identifier that helps to send and receive the conversion data after the conversion happens.

It is important to pass the click identifier to RedTrack, make RedTrack generate it’s own clickid and to pass it to the offer, CRM, shop, etc. In this regard, here is where you need to make sure the clickid is in place:

The clickid should be in place regardless of the tracking method (redirect or no-redirect).

For the preset templates, it will be added to your tracking link automatically upon creating a campaign. The name of RedTrack parameter which stores the click identifier from the traffic channel is {ref_id} (there are some exceptions such as Facebook).

At the same time, RedTrack also generates its own id for this click. Like that, each click can have 2 click identifiers: from RedTrack and from the traffic channel.

The script plays the main role for no-redirect tracking: it generates the clickid and records it in the system. If there are any dynamic parameters, the script catches also, same as it does with the clickid.

Click here for details.

1. If you want plan to receive the conversion data from your affiliate network, partner, CRM, etc. you need to put the postback URL (the one you can take from RedTrack) with the clickid parameter to your affiliate network. Each time the URL is fired, we will get the conversion data for the right clickid and record it in RedTrack.

To make this URL work as expected, you need to add the {clickid} parameter:

Affiliate Network parameter is to be inserted with specific placeholders supported ({} or [], or ##, etc.). It should be the same as used in the Offer URL:

2. There can be scenarios where you do not work with any affiliate network or a partner via S2S. In that case, it is essential to have RedTrack clickid generated in place and pass it to the place/system where conversion happens to be able to use it later to tell RedTrack that this clickid has brought the conversion.

Partner parameters tracking

In addition to RedTrack parameters, there are also partner parameters that can be tracked, recorded and used for the data analysis. Check out how to work with them:

Traffic channel parameters

Affiliate network parameters