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AppsFlyer and RedTrack

AppsFlyer is a mobile advertising attribution solution that helps marketers pinpoint their targeting, optimize their ad spend, and boost ROI. AppsFlyer helps you keep track of all app-related events that are generated by clients. Thanks to their lightweight SDK (Software Development Kit), you can recognize a sales channel a client has gone through and also record everything a client does inside an app that may be of value to you.

When working with AppsFlyer you should know that this tool:

  • requires you to submit your app and install their SDK in your app. This piece of code will ping AppsFlyer and send data. There are two types of events recognized by AppsFlyer: app install and in-app events. The first one occurs when a visitor downloads and installs an app. The second event type occurs on occasions defined in the SDK, such as reaching a certain level in a game or making an in-app purchase.
  • supports various media sources, such as Self-Reporting Networks (SRNs) (e.g. Google or Facebook), Owned media, and Attribution links.
  • requires knowing some basics before integrating with another tool. Click here to learn more on how to get started with AppsFlyer.

The guide below will be dedicated to integration between RedTrack and AppsFlyer for tracking Android based apps. The solution for IOS is being elaborated at the moment.

To integrate AppsFlyer with RedTrack act as follows:

Integrating Appsflyer with RedTrack

Settings in Appsflyer

1. Sign up with AppsFlyer.

2. Add the app to your AppsFlyer account. Follow the tips in this article to make sure that your app is all set and ready to be integrated.

3. Click on the tab My Apps and choose the app to integrate:

4. On the main AppsFlyer menu navigate to the section Integrated Partners and click on the active integration from the RedTrack platform:

5. Turn on the toggle Activate partner to enable attribution and send postbacks:

Once it’s done the default postbacks will be sent automatically:

6. Turn on the toggle In-app event postbacks:

7. Once the In-app event postbacks toggle is on, scroll down to the end of the page and press the Add event button to map AppsFlyer events with the partner via postbacks:

8. Select the needed events, their values, and press Save Integration:

  • in the SDK event name fields select the name of the event as configured in the SDK integrated in your app. If the event is not on the list, enter the name and save it as custom;
  • in the Partner event identifier fields type in the unique name or ID of each event used by the partner;
  • in the Send revenue fields choose from the dropdown if event revenue or parameter values are sent to the partner in the postback, or if this data isn’t included.

Click here to learn more about in-app event postbacks.

9. Go to the Attribution link tab, scroll down and pay attention to the parameters and their values (macros in RedTrack) next to them which form the Click attribution link. 2 main parameters: {sourceid} and {campaignname} have already been added and will be preset automatically, in case you need some additional parameters to be embedded to the link press the Add parameter button:

Click here to learn more about parameters in AppsFlyer.

10. Press Save attribution link to apply the changes and copy the Click attribution link to paste it further in the RedTrack Offer:

Settings in RedTrack

11. Go to your RedTrack account and create a custom Offer source for Appsflyer:

12. Add an Appsflyer Offer, copy the Click attribution link from step 10 and paste it in the URL of the Offer:

13. Set the conversion types and the mapping:

13.1 go to the AppsFlyer Integration tab and copy the names of events created within step 8:

13.2 go to RedTrack->Tools->Conversion tracking->Conversion type and paste the copied events there:

Insert to RedTrack the events with the exact same names chosen in AppsFlyer. For example, af_complete_registration can not be typed in just as registration, otherwise, your conversion may not be tracked correctly in RedTrack.

14. Add the needed Traffic Source.

15. Launch the Campaign in RedTrack using the created Offer in your Campaign funnel.

You’re all set. Good luck!