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С(onversion) and cost update API

You can create a fake conversion for this purpose.

1. Send a couple of live clicks from your Traffic channel with a Campaign Click URL, so we have the real click id and ref id data available.

Live clicks are needed for the postback to be sent to the traffic channel, as test clicks have no ref id.

2. Check logs to find that clicks. Choose one and copy it.

3. Paste into your browser URL of the following format:


but replace the following parts:

your_dedicated_tracking_domain with your actual tracking domain.
{replace_me_with_click_id_from_logs} part with the Click ID from point 2 to generate a test conversion for this click id.

Example of the proper URL:

4. Check your Traffic channel for the conversion.

Please note that a fake conversion can be created for testing a postback with the traffic channel only. If you need to test a postback with your affiliate network, please contact your network account manager for assistance. Some networks have an option for postback testing in the settings.
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