“Stop (&go)” rules
There are several possible reasons for that:
1. You have filters applied in your Campaign settings that are not aligned with those settings. It can be another location, OS, device, etc. In that case, you do not have to worry as it will not affect the real traffic. You can set up the Fallback URL. Check out how to do that in the article Fallback URL.
2. You put your custom tracking domain directly into the browser. In that case, it’s normal behavior and the “Forbidden” screen means that your domain is set correctly.
3. You have Caps applied on your Offer. More guidance on manipulations with Caps can be checked in this article (Offer → CAPs).
4. Old data is stored in your browser history and cookies:
→ Here is how you can clear the browser cache.
→ Here is how you can remove old cookies from your browser act depending on the browser type:
If none of the solutions helped, contact support@redtrack.io. Remember to specify the already performed steps and our team will be happy to assist you.