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Login issues: mobile

If you are experiencing some login issues while trying to login via mobile phone, make sure to follow the short guide:
1. Clear cache in your browser: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache
2. Make sure you are using correct credentials: both login and password fields are case-sensitive.

For example: if your login e-mail is myemail@gmail.com you should not use Myemail@gmail.com.

Mobile phones sometimes automatically add the capital letter at the beginning.
3. If you still cannot login – try to access the application on the desktop:
– If desktop works fine – most likely you are using incorrect credentials or previously added incorrect credentials are stored in the cache. Perform steps 1 and 2 once again.
– If the desktop version does not accept credentials either, try to regenerate your password using “I forgot my password” option, repeat steps 1 and 2 and check the results. In case RedTrack will still not let you in, contact us support@redtrack.io: describe the steps you have performed.

Login issues: desktop

1. Clear cache in your browser: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache
2. Make sure you are using correct credentials: both login and password fields are case-sensitive.

For example: if your login e-mail is myemail@gmail.com you should not use Myemail@gmail.com.

If RedTrack still does not accept credentials try to regenerate your password using “I forgot my password” option, repeat steps 1 and 2 and check the results. In case RedTrack will still not let you in, contact us support@redtrack.io: describe the steps you have performed.

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